Slot Engelse Mail

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Een Engelse email sluit je net zo af als je een Nederlandse e-mail zou afsluiten. Op een beleefde wijze rond je de email af. Je kunt bevoorbeeld nog eenmaal je vraag herhalen, of een afspraak maken of simpelweg de persoon bedanken voor zijn tijd. A small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail) 2. He put a quarter in the slot 2; a slot machine that is used for gambling 2. They spend hours and hours just playing the slots 2 (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board 2. The PC had three slots for additional memory 2. Het laatste deel van een tekst wordt het slot genoemd. Het slot herhaalt meestal het belangrijkste uit de tekst. Door het slot wordt het verhaal mooi rond. Let op: bij nieuwsberichten is er vaak geen slot. In zo'n tekst vindt je de belangrijkste informatie in het eerste deel van de tekst.

norsk bokmål

Engelse Slotzinnen Mail, cherry chaser slot machine v1.2, quality toy slot machines reviews, msn onliune casino. Het uitdrukkingen woordenboek categorie 'Zakelijke correspondentie E-mail' bevat Nederlands-Engels vertalingen van alledaagse uitdrukkingen en zegswijzen.

norsk bokmål
engelsk-norsk bokmål ordbok
  • A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc.
  • A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece.

oversettelser slot

  • I signed the waiver, so feel free to stick things in my slot.

    Du kan bare stikke den inn i sprekken.

  • nounmasculine, feminine

    enThe location in a library or media changer which is assigned to a certain media (tape or disc).

    Wait, why are there five slots in this machine?

    Vent, hvorfor er det fem åpninger i denne maskinen?

  • verb

    It is inserted in a slot and the message comes out in a paper roll from another slot on the other side.

    Resultatet kommer fra en papirrull fra en spalte pa den andre siden.

  • nounmasculine, femininehankjønn
  • noun

    I was given an allocated slot for my exam.

    Jeg fikk et tidspunkt for eksamen.

  • noun

    Put her back in the slot for an extended stay.

    Ta henne med tilbake til isolatet på ubestemt tid.

  • noun

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The 9800GX2 uses two G92 GPUs, as used in later 8800 cards, in a dual PCB configuration while still only requiring a single PCI-Express 16x slot.
9800GX2 bruker to G92 GPU'er slik som i nyere 8800-kort, i en dobbeltkonfigurasjon som likevel ikke krever mer enn ett PCI-Express 16x-spor.
That last slot, there's only going to be 1 card left to put in it.
For den siste plassen er det kun 1 kort igjen som kan legges
The SP's flaps used a simplified single-slotted configuration.
SPs vingeflapper tok i bruk en enklere én-spaltet konfigurasjon.
If you replaced the news one day and devoted a time slot of 30 minutes or so to personal study, you would gain over 25 hours a year.
Hvis du bytter ut nyhetene med en halvtimes personlig studium en gang i uken, vinner du over 25 timer i løpet av et år.
These marketing strategies are working —56 percent of the income from slot machines is said to be derived from addicts.
Denne markedsføringsstrategien virker – 56 prosent av inntektene fra spilleautomatene sies å komme fra spilleavhengige.
The classical G# has the same body shape and size as the standard, but a wider neck, nylon strings, and also a slotted headstock like most classical guitars.
Den klassiske gitaren har den samme fasongen og størrelsen som standardgitaren, men en bredere hals, nylonstrenger, og spaltet hode som de fleste klassiske gitarer.
I just slotted her in to bump Laura out of position
In the spring of 2007 the club brought in Brazilian striker Ailton Almeida whose arrival pushed Berglund out of the starting line-up and when F.C. Copenhagen in the summer of 2007 signed Danish international forward Morten Nordstrand, Berglund was suddenly fourth or fifth choice for one of the two slots in the Copenhagen attack.
Våren 2007 kjøpte så klubben den Brasilanske spissen Ailton Almeida som dyttet Berglund ut av førstelaget, og da F.C. København sommeren 2007 signerte landslagsspilleren Morten Nordstrand, befant Berglund seg som fjerde eller femte valg for en av de to plassene som spiss.
On 4 November 2011, IAG agreed in principle to acquire British Midland International (BMI) from Lufthansa for an undisclosed sum, in a deal which would increase IAG's share of slots at Heathrow airport from 45% to 54%.
Den 4. november 2011 overtok IAG British Midland International (BMI) fra Lufthansa for en ukjent sum, i en avtale som ville øke IAGs andel av slots Heathrow airport fra 45% til 54%.
“I STARTED playing fruit [slot] machines when I was 13,” confesses David.

Slot Engelse Mail Yahoo

«JEG begynte å spille på enarmete banditter da jeg var 13,» forteller David.
Whelan later composed Riverdance for the interval entertainment slot at the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin.
Whelan komponerte for øvrig senere «Riverdance» til pauseunderholdningen under Eurovision Song Contest 1994 i Dublin.
But just past the slots is the Million Dollar Mill
Når vi har gått forbi slotmaskinene kommer vi til Million Dollar Mill.Vi putter på hundre dollar
I'll budge on the time slot, but I can't on the question.
When Cruyff was awarded a penalty kick in a Dutch Eredivisie league match against Helmond Sport on 5 December 1982, with Ajax leading 1–0, Cruyff passed the ball sideways to Olsen, who returned it to Cruyff, with the Dutchman then slotting the ball past the bemused goalkeeper to make the score 2–0.
Da Cruijff fikk straffespark i en seriekamp i den nederlandske Eredivisie mot Helmond Sport 5. desember 1982, og siden Ajax allerede ledet 4–0, sentret Cruijff ballen sidelengs til Olsen som sendte den tilbake til Cruijff som sendte ballen bak den forvirrede målvakten.
'Let's Spend the Night Together' and 'Ruby Tuesday' were slotted onto the album while 'Back Street Girl' and 'Please Go Home' were removed (these would be included on the following US odds-and-ends release, Flowers, in July 1967).
I USA ble som vanlig singelen, «Lets Spend the Night Together» og «Ruby Tuesday», inkludert albumet, mens «Back Street Girl» og «Please Go Home» ble ofret og endte senere i 1967 på det amerikanske samlealbumet Flowers.
Slot Engelse Mail
I fed that into a nickel slot on the way out, and I won two grand.
Jeg matet resten i en enarmet banditt på veien ut og jeg vant 2000 dollar.
On the other hand if you'd like to keep the six o'clock slot...'
On arrival she enters one of the city’s casinos, and there she plays the slot machines for six hours or so before returning home.
Når hun kommer fram, oppsøker hun et av byens kasinoer, og der spiller hun på spilleautomater i omkring seks timer før hun reiser hjem igjen.
A newspaper columnist commented that watching children play the games reminded him of “compulsive gamblers, sitting for hours on end, pumping quarters into slot machines —the mentality is the same.”
En journalist i en avis bemerket at når han betraktet barn som spilte disse spillene, fikk det ham til å tenke på «lidenskapelige hasardspillere som sitter i timevis og pumper mynter inn i spilleautomater — mentaliteten er den samme».
The RB8 features a slot cut into the step of the nose section, although Adrian Newey claimed this has no use other than to aid cooling for the driver.
RB8 hadde også en åpning i trinnet i nesepartiet, men Adrian Newey hevdet at dette bare var for å gi bedre kjøling for føreren.
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Slot Engelse Mailbox

Dear Mrs Brown
I am pleased to respond to your advertisement for a receptionist as advertised in The Daily Telegraph on . I consider that my credentials and interests match with your requirement and want to apply for the same.
I am enclosing a copy of my curriculum vitae, which gives details of my qualifications and experience. As you will see I have had two years experience of working in a company as a receptionist. This position has developed my communication skills. Strong aptitude with MS Office packages like Word, Excel and PowerPoint helps me in decent and organized representation of my work.
I would be more than happy to come in for an interview at your earliest convenience. Please contact me at the above address or phone number if you require any further details.
Thank you for considering my application.
Yours sincerely
Miss Marieke Werk

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